Oh my! Oh my! Gertrude and I have really hit it off.
I find myself wishing for more time in the day, and sneak up to my sewing room (aka: my converted walk-in closet) to scheme and just stare at her! Sometimes I manage to get something done.
Right now I am waiting for hubby to either build or buy me a table..I think the later is more likely since we both have severely limited free time with three little munchkins running around!
So, whilst I wait (not so patiently) for my table, so that Gert can have a place to be set up all the time, I figured I'd share a few of my favorite things about my newest, most wonderful machine!
Number 1: The sheer size of her is AMAZING!
The fact that I have so much space to the right of the needle is the biggest difference from my previous machine (not that I didn't love her..but..) and one of the biggest reasons for adopting Gertrude!
Number 2: Hover Function
No, she does not magically hover downstairs to my dining room table so I can sew, but she does have a setting programmed into her that allows the presser foot to hover when I stop sewing. So, when I am chain piecing or pivoting during quilting, she will stop needle down and raise the presser foot so that I can either go straight into sewing my next piece or turn directions while quilting.
It. Is. Awesome!
Number 3: Automatic Cutting
I knew this function would be nice to have, but I didn't know it would be LIFE CHANGING! I Freaking Love this function! It has cut (ha ha get it!) my piecing time a lot and made me really appreciate having thread cutting done for me!
She will cut automatically when I sew decorative stitches and use my pattern end button. She will cut embroidery jump stitches automatically. And boy does this function save time and energy when you are quilting and want to jump from one spot to another.
Whew! I am still so excited about the addition of Gertrude to my machine line up that I've thought of like 6 more things typing this. I'll save them for another day, I've got to head back up and keep on sewing!
One of these days when I remember to take some photos, I'll give you all a glimpse of where the magic that Gert and I make happens! (Gotta have that table set up first!)
Happy Sewing,
Enjoli & Gertrude!
Apparently others are not so thrilled with my attempt to spend more time with Gertrude!
Avalyn does not seem thrilled with her sister's form of entertainment while Mommy sews! |