Welcome back to all of you, our wonderful readers!
We've missed you while we've been away, though we've been busy working on projects and updating the blog. As far as the projects go, you all know, that list has no end in sight! For the blog, we will still be working on some changes, so you'll see a few more updates along the way!
So, what else have we been doing while we were away...?
More Babies are Coming (not mine)
By now you all know that I will become an Auntie for the first and second time in February & March. Both my sister and my sister-in-law are expecting; one a girl and one a boy! I am SO excited! They both like to tell me how wonderful being an auntie is, so now I get to experience it first hand!
But, that means I have been working like a mad woman making burp clothes, blankies, sleepers and of course bumpers (those are still "in progress"); I have enjoyed every second knowing that soon I get to snuggle my niece and nephew up in these cute accessories!
for the Nephew |
for the Niece |
And a stack of burp clothes for each; I tried to get fancy and put my nephew's initials on a burp cloth! |
I am just about ready to start on the bumpers (probably should've done those first) and will post photos for you all once they're done! Both are doing "sea" themes so I get to make "mermaids and narwhals" and "pirates and treasure" sets!
OH, I almost forgot, I picked up some CUTE flannel from the shop the other day to make those awesome self-binding receiving blankets for them!
Seriously, how cute will those be?! |
Life, other than (other people's) Babies!
So, as far as my other regularly scheduled life goes... we're pretty much same 'ol same 'ol here on the home front, though my oldest daughter turned 5 on Friday! OMG I was a little emotional (ok, maybe a lot) the day before just thinking about how much of a Big Kid she is now, and that she'll be off to Kindergarten this year! Eek!
Where did the time go? She went from a quiet, sleepy baby to a crazy, wild kid!
Of course I have to brag, the kid is pretty cute! |
As far as the other two go, well they are trying to keep up with their Big Sister, and are now wearing 4T clothing (mind you, they are 2 1/2, big Sis wears 7/8! Crazy I know!); they take after their daddy who is 6' 4"!
Ahh. I can hardly stand the cuteness! |
Okay, back to sewing related things..
In early January I started teaching a new class series for the Moda Modern Building Block Kit! OH MY! We are having a great time so far! I have two sessions, a Friday and a Saturday for this project. Both groups are wonderful, my Friday class even finished the first block!
My sister joined in the fun, her block is the middle one; she had to be different, of course! The first block is 36" so it was pretty impressive that we sorted, cut and sewed our blocks the first session!
We've been getting ALL sorts of new fabric in at the shop, and it seems that I work just enough to BUY it all, but not bring home much money! :P
We have new KNITS (featured above in the sleepers), new MINKEE (oh boy do we have lots of new mink) and LOTS OF NEW COTTON!
So, I may or may not have bought a Fat Quarter Bundle, Roll up and coordinating "textures" from the new line we just got from Carolyn Friedlander! (uh hem..and I may or may not have snuck it home and "hid" it in with the rest of my stash before my hubby came home!)
You can't tell me you'd be able to pass this beautiful fabric up?! |
OH, and last but not least.. I have been working on some new "promotion" projects for the shop Facebook page! I LOVE that part of my job because I get to sew, but I am also working! It's the BEST!
I just finished up all those baby projects, which just happened to be my "Friday Facebook Projects" for January. Most of which were FREE patterns (thats always nice!) and get to double as baby shower gifts!
Now, I am working on a few projects from some of the Fabric companies; Art Gallery & Kaufman will be featured the first two Fridays in February! You all get a sneak peak here of the Art Gallery project, which was super fast and a lot of fun!
How cute is my "Arizona" infinity cowl; Gert photo bombed me! |
I used a line from Art Gallery called "Arizona" which is perfect because the pattern is FREE from Art Gallery! This project will be featured on the Seams Like Home Facebook page on Friday the 6th, but you lucky folks get to see it early! Who hoo!
Betsy is making a Return!
So, if you have been around the blog for a while, you know that Gertrude had a little sister named Betsy! Well the original Betsy found a new home, and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Betsy the second! She will be the same Bernina 350PE, but she will have a much prettier front (not that Betsy wasn't pretty...) that was designed by Tula Pink!
OHH LA LA! How pretty is she?! I cannot wait to get her! I LOVE sewing with Gert, but sometimes it's nice to have a machine to take with me to the shop for teaching classes and Betsy the second will be much easier to transport!
SO.. WHEW! I feel like the friend who invites you out for coffee and then spends the entire time talking about herself.. yikes! Just one more thing though...
Thank you, thank you to those of you that read the blog, leave comments and email us! We love chatting with you, and LOVE hearing about what you're working on. Please keep sharing with us and we'll keep sharing with you!
We are so glad to be back! Until next time...
Happy Sewing,
Enjoli (and Gertrude)