Sunday, September 28, 2014

Moda Modern Building Blocks is FINALLY here!

Sometimes at  Quilt Market I get a bit fanatical about certain new products/fabrics that we see! This was totally one of those products! We were walking around the showroom floor and Moda always has a great booth, so I was just quietly admiring it, until ... OMG Modern Building Blocks Quilt practically jumps off the wall and screams to me... "YOU MUST MAKE ME, YOU MUST HAVE ME... NOW!"

So, of course when we finally sit down with our Moda rep. I basically badger him on the WHEN, WHERE, HOW SOON, etc. of when I can get my hands on this wonderful kit! I tried to talk him into letting me take some part of it home.. I couldn't convince him.

All of that to say.. last week when these beautiful kits showed up at the shop.. I was ready to halt all ordinary daily life activities and go pick one up. Unfortunately, most days I act like a grown up and decided not to just abandon all the kids for my kit. (I went the next day!)

I have decided that since it is such an amazing project, that we MUST do a workshop at the store next quarter where we can all cut and sew together, though I have to admit, I'm starting mine now.. gotta be able to give you all some tips and tricks!

And, my first tip.. LABEL ALL FABRIC! While Moda did a great job putting the fabrics together and packaging it all so beautifully.. they did not label the individual pieces.. so, here is my labeling system.

The fabrics come layered by smallest size to largest size cut. The first stack is all the Fat Quarters up to the 3 yards of the off white fabric!


I didn't take a picture of the 3 yard piece of fabric.. it's pretty obvious which one that is! Also, because it confused me the first run through.. the binding fabric (it is Navy) is included and is tucked in between the 3/4 and one yard pieces! 

I labeled each piece with its color number and name, since as you go through the pattern card, the fabrics are only labeled by color number. 

Once I cut the first block, I labeled each of the pieces with their corresponding letter, and put the entire stack in a zip lock bag. 

DISCLAIMER: It took me about half an hour last night to go through and sort/label each of the fabrics, and then about an hour to sort/cut my pieces for BLOCK 1 this afternoon .. I'll get back to you on whether I am just slow (because I don't want to mess it up) or if I come up with a better system. 

Right now my idea is to cut block by block that way I can cut a few blocks, then sew a few blocks to avoid getting bored!

Anyway, I am SUPER excited about this project and can't wait to do the "workshop" at the store. I might even have to make another one with a few of my favorite prints and solids! Stay tuned, and make sure you get over to Seams Like Home to pick up a kit.. they are going quickly! 

Happy Sewing,

Enjoli (and Gertrude)

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