Sunday, November 23, 2014

Strait Family Thanksgiving!

This past week has flown by (quite a change from last week!) and I am starting to panic about how to prepare the Thanksgiving Feast for my family! 

Let me just admit right now... this is my FIRST Thanksgiving doing the cooking! :P I'm not going to lie.. I really hope it turns out edible! 

Got my Turkey in the fridge.. lots of veggies.. don't look too closely.. I know I need to clean my fridge! 

Other than stocking up on turkey, stuffing, and lots of veggies we've had a fairly low key week at the Strait house this week! I was able to get a little bit of sewing done this weekend though...

The twins have been a challenge during nap time the last month or so, and last week they destroyed one of their pillow covers, which led to creating these! The zig zag is a minkee and the thing1/thing2 is a cotton (pre-washed of course)! You can find a great tutorial for this at: 

My number of completed projects has been low this week, however, I do have a fun project in the works to debut next week, so stay tuned (it is SUPER cute)! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope you get a chance to relax, eat lots of yummy food and just enjoy your families! 

And because I can, here are some moments from our family this week..

Ascher & Avalyn snuggled up with Mom!

Alia and her foam Gingerbread House!

If you are looking for a fun tradition/conversation starter for your Thanksgiving table, we have a great tradition from my husbands family..

When we sit down to the table, before we eat, we each share three things we are thankful for this year! It is one of my favorite traditions, it is always fun to hear what the kids say! 

Happy Thanksgiving,

Enjoli, Gertrude & Family

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