Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekend? Where did you go?

Where O Where has my weekend gone? Where o where can it be?! 

My weekend always starts with my mind set on finishing ALL of my UFO's... and every Sunday I'm wondering why their not all done? (I think somewhere, someone is plotting against me.. secretly ripping out my seams!) 

So yet another weekend has passed and I only managed to finish ONE project.. and it took me Wednesday night to cut out, Thursday day to fuse interfacing and start sewing,  Friday night to keep sewing and Saturday night to FINISH! YAY! I was so excited!

And of course the only person around to show was my husband, and he doesn't get nearly excited enough! I always text my sister a photo of my finished projects too; she gives much more appropriate reactions! 

So.. without further ado.. my ONE finished product from the weekend: 

Loving my new Professional Tote - Echino on the outside, cute Cotton & Steel tigers on the inside!

I have been looking for an excuse to buy that Echino print for something. It is one piece of fabric that has lines of different colors and patterns and I LOVE IT! I wanted something kind of fun and silly for the lining so I chose a cute Tiger in teal from Cotton & Steel! (There is still more of both these fabrics if you too must have some!) 

Besides working on my tote, I spent my weekend at the shop running a Free Motion Quilting Workshop, which was a blast! I spent Friday night there helping the ladies get their quilts "sandwiched" and prepped to quilt and then ALL day on Saturday pinning more quilts and helping plan out their quilting! We had a blast and my hubby knew that letting me play at the shop and sew all day was the best Valentines present he could give me!

I did come home to this though..

He earned a few bonus points for this. He surprises me every now and then with these sweet little gestures! I got a good one!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend, and that you got spoiled by your someone special! 

Happy Sewing,
Enjoli (And Gertrude) 


  1. That is very pretty, Enjoli! And getting a full size Professional Tote done in one weekend is quite an accomplishment in my book!

  2. @Lottie Girl, Thanks!! I did have all the pieces cut and interfacing fused before I started sewing! :P That helped a lot!
