Friday, April 4, 2014

Lazy Days are for Pinterest Favorites

This afternoon was one of those rare occasions when I have a few hours to myself at home! The twins are with my in-laws and Alia is with GG (Arlene as most of you know her). When I find these rare moments I tend to try and cram in a hundred things to make the most of my time. 

Today I decided that instead of trying to finish ALL of the projects in my sewing area, I would do the next best thing: Plan More! And where better to plan more projects than Pinterest! OH Pinterest, how I love thee and how I hate thee! 

I discovered Pinterest after I had the twins and was up all hours of the night feeding them. Some nights I would realize that whichever baby I was feeding had fallen asleep, yet I was still up perusing Pinterest! 

So I figured, since I was taking a break from all the sewing action, I'd give you all a break too and share with you a couple favorites from my Pinterest "To-Do" list! 

(I'm not going to lie, I have like 14 "boards" and probably half of them are sewing/quilting/crafting related! In fact my biggest board is called "Quilty Crap"!) 

Ok, so here you go: 

1) Rainbow Hexie Quilt - uses the Hex 'N More Ruler from Jaybird Quilts

OH MY! I just love it so much. It reminds me of summer and sun and warmth! :) Can you tell I'm ready for Summer?! Plus it is just a happy project! 

And seriously, it is made with half hexies (that means none of that crazy hexagon piecing.. blehh!)

2) Aurifil Spool Quilt  - Who doesn't love Auriful Thread?!

Ok, you can't tell me that this is not one of the coolest quilts you've ever seen! I love this project so much! Plus the story behind the project is pretty cool! I think one of these should hang in my dream studio one day!

3) Night Sky in Tula Pink Fabrics - Need I say more?

I feel like the picture is self explanatory. I mean who wouldn't want to make this project with this fabric?! Ahhhh I LOVE IT!! This one is pretty close to the top of my list! Maybe only second to the next project! 

4) Fire Island Hosta- NEW Judy Neimeyer

OMG OMG OMG!! This one is pretty darn close to being #1 on my To-do list! Want to know a secret? We have this background fabric at the shop! Yep I bought what I needed for this project already! 

5) Anything Zen Chic - Love it All 

Nope, not going to lie... I love it all! I want to make everything she does! Part of the appeal is that she does a great job picking colors! I think just by changing the colors of some of her quilts, you could easily make them baby quilts, grad gifts, etc. 

P.S: As I type, I'm also adding her patterns to an upcoming order! :P 

Okay, so now that I've sucked you in .. 
I know you have another browser window open and are procrastinating your housework!
It's okay me too!

For those of you who have tried to stay away from Pinterest or have genuinely not heard of it .. I am going to apologize now and beg forgiveness for the huge amount of time you will spend looking, pinning and wondering where your time went! 

Grab a cup of coffee, sit on the couch and of course send me some of your ideas you've found on Pinterest! As you can tell, I'm always looking for more projects! 

Happy (Not) Sewing,

(and a begrudging Gertrude.. I think she is afraid of all the work I will be making her do with my long list of projects)

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