Sunday, June 15, 2014

Gertrude's Room Re-do

It seems that whenever I get an idea for a "home improvement" project, it is always during a period of our life that is particularly crazy! Maybe it's because I feel like, "It's already hectic, so why not throw a bit more craziness into the mix?!" Or maybe it was because I was coming down from my disappointment with our recent camping trip (which will now be referred to as "the trip that must not be named"). 

Any way, I decided that instead of using my walk-in-closet to house clothes (two small dressers and some hangers) I wanted to convert it to be entirely used as my sewing room! And by I, I of course mean, my husband! I had in my head the idea that I didn't want carpet anymore, but a wood laminate or something that looked more "studio-like"! Who knows where I get these ideas in my head from?! 

Knowing that my hubby had Friday off, I broke the news to him on Monday. He had all week to prepare himself! :P Surprisingly he didn't object that much! Probably because he got to move the cars out of the garage and break out all his toys! 

So, here is what we did to Gertrude's room: 

Laying "Cabinet Grade" Plywood Floor.
Now to stencil!
Starting to look good!
Polyurethane coating and trim are on!
Time to put everything back!
Clearly I need to do some cleaning and organizing!

I was getting so anxious to get the room back together because I had a Father's Day project to get done. I had to move Gertrude downstairs to the dining room table to work; I think she enjoyed her time in the natural light though! I'm hoping that now that I have this "little home-improvement" project out of the way, I can get some actual sewing done! :P I miss the hum that Gert makes when she is happily working!

Hope you're all enjoying the sun (and getting a bit of sewing done!),

Enjoli (and Gertrude) 

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