Sunday, June 22, 2014

Moved Back In!

Well all, I am happy to say that Gertrude and I have moved back into our small but wonderful sewing room! It is now totally dedicated to our creative adventures and not hindered by pesky dressers and hangers getting in the way.

I have actually had some time to sew, and I think Gertrude is happy to be "working" again! 

So far, we have:

- sewn bean bags for a friends kids' birthday party
- sewn background and the first row of the Park Bench project 

Ok, so it seemed like the list would be longer, but we (and by "we", I mean "I") have been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing.. Gertrude just sits and watches, she doesn't even offer to help.. seems unfair.. oh well!

So, here you go.. my (ok "our") new and improved sewing room:

I am so in love with the painted door! The color just makes me smile and welcomes me into my Happy Place!

So, as you can see, there is still a little organizing to be done, but I think I've figured out where everything is supposed to go now.. though that ironing board has me stumped! 

So LOVE that cube! It can hold my mini ironing board plus some of my fabric and books! The tower next to it is super convenient for holding my little notions items (elastic, cording, zippers, buttons, etc.). The cabinet on the far left was a total Salvation Army score, I got it for $15 and it is just perfect for holding my interfacing, see below!

Isn't it just perfect?! Plus the top is just the right size for my small rotary mat! YAY!

I'm not going to lie, I really don't want to ever leave this room again! :P  Alas, someone has to make sure the kids don't destroy the rest of the house! 

Any who.. here is a peak at a few of my favorite things in this room:

Ahhh.. my precut stash..actually this isn't all of it.. I do love me some precuts though!
Best Iron ever, but really I love the little key rack for holding scissors!
Recognize that Fat Quarter Pack?! It is the one I scored at Spring Quilt Market! Still can't bear to take it apart! Just have to find the right project!
One of my little helpers, guarding the books!

Okay, I'm not going to lie.. I thought this was pretty genius! The hook I used to hold my handmade bags is actually a curtain tie back! :P I put it on a stud and it is SUPER strong to hold my handmade stash!

 So, this concludes the Sewing Room Tour,  any Questions?! :) I had such a blast working on the floor and getting everything set back up.. though I have to say that getting to sew in the room again is AWESOME! 

Speaking of.. here is that photo I promised of my progress on our Park Bench project!

I'm not going to lie, as much as I have LOVED working on this.. I can't wait to give it to my Mom to quilt! She does some pretty amazing things and it is going to be stunning! 

Keep an eye out for it at the shop in the next month or so! :) 

Happy Sewing,

Enjoli (and Gertrude) 

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