Sunday, March 22, 2015

When Life Happens

Hey All,

It seems that each week for the last month when I sit down to write these blog posts, I find myself thinking.. where did my life go? When I started this blog (with Gertrude) the intent was to blog about sewing. Projects that Gertrude and I were doing, the many things I wanted to do (Thank you Pinterest!) and all of the other many sewing related things going on in my life!

Well, the truth is that as of late.. not much sewing has been going on in my life. Occasionally I get an hour or two to sit down and work on something, though it is rare that much of that time is spent with Gertrude. It seems that my life has happened.. and at the moment that means very little sewing is happening.

I guess in a way I am apologizing for not getting much up here that is sewing related! On the flip side, I'm not really apologizing because I've been blessed with three wonderful daughters and a great husband with whom I have been spending most of my time lately. Not to mention that this last month has introduced a Niece and a Nephew into my life (still have some sewing to finish for them)!

So, what I'm really trying to say is that Gertrude and I will be off line for a little while. I'm not totally sure how long that means.. maybe a month.. maybe a year? Alia starts school in August, so maybe we'll be back with more time then? The twins will probably go to preschool sometime between 3 and 4, so maybe that will allow more sewing time again?

It really makes me a little sad actually writing this decision out because that means I've accepted that I just don't have time right now to be in my sewing room for hours at a time..some times in the morning I just go in there to brush my teeth.. just to look at all the projects calling me to come back!

(Sigh)  - do I sound pathetic yet?!

Okay, enough with the pity party. I hope you will all understand that this season of my life (apparently) revolves around my children, and I must make them a priority. I look very forward to the day that I can spend hours with Gertrude, creating again, but in the mean time.. I must go play Doc McStuffins Dominos with Ms. Alia before bed!

Thanks for the love and understanding! And thank you for those who faithfully read our blog!

Enjoli (and Gertrude)

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