Monday, August 18, 2014

Seward: An improvement on Homer

So, if any of you recall the post about our Homer trip in June, you know that packing up and heading out camping was not at the top of my to-do list again for this year! Alas, that is what we did this past weekend! This time we went to Seward (not quite so far), and rented a cabin with my in-laws (who, I am lucky to say, are AWESOME!).

It is amazing the difference a few months can make, not to mention a huge attitude change on my part (that's a whole other story)!

We packed up on Friday morning and headed for Seward! We totally scored and the twins napped for the last 1 1/2 hours of the trip; perfectly timed to wake up to their grandpas' smiling face (their grandpa's are their favorite people in the whole world - no joke!).

Despite the rain, we managed to make it down to the beach Friday afternoon, which resulted in three very wet, very muddy, but VERY happy kids! Needless to say, we made use of the cabin bathtub that night!

This is what results when you let three little adventurous girls splash into the ocean, and jump into every puddle they can find:

The twins were even so tired on Friday night that they didn't even fight us at bedtime! I was feeling pretty good, thinking "Wow, things are really looking up this trip!"

And then 2:20am rolled around....

Miss Ascher decided that she didn't want to be asleep anymore, and was going to scream and cry until someone rescued her from the pack 'n play in her room. The gods took mercy though and Avalyn slept through her sisters screams; I, however, was not as lucky, and was up with her for who knows how long trying to get her back to sleep. I finally wrapped my arms around her and held her to me until she passed out (NO NO just kidding); she finally fell asleep with me on the couch.. I have no idea what time it was.

My wonderful father-in-law took mercy on me at 7:30am (when Ascher was up again) and stayed with her so I could go back to sleep!

Luckily the rest of the day turned out better, we headed to the Sea Life Center and got to spend some time with my sister and her husband!

Sunday we even got some sun and spent most of the day like this:

All around, I can say Seward was quite the improvement ...almost enough to erase the scars left from Homer!

Sadly, I had no time to sew during the weekend, though I did go by the Quilt Shop in Seward! It is a cute place called, "Sew N Bee Cozy".

I hope you all got some sewing time in this weekend, maybe on the rainy days?! If not, at least make the rounds to the quilt shops and do some fabric therapy!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some sewing time this week! We'll see!

Happy Sewing,
Enjoli (and Gertrude)

P.S: I will deny the following comment if asked, but I am kind of looking forward to winter just for opportunity of more sewing time! :) Anyone agree?!

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